Wednesday, 6 February 2008



· When you join HASSRA you become a national member – with your own membership card and membership number which entitles you to all the national benefits, entry to competitions etc – (see the national website for details ). HASSRA nationally is run on a day to day basis by paid staff ( and as a club has a management committee from around the UK ).

  • HASSRA is also organised regionally – and HASSRA members also belong to their own region. In our case that is the South West Region (the office is based at Plymouth CSAC). Members are entitled to all the benefits available regionally.
  • HASSRA Southwest is run on a day to day basis by paid staff and has a board of management comprising of volunteers from the South West.

  • The region looks after and assists all the local clubs from Penzance to Gloucester and all stops between.

  • Your local club (Taunton and Bridgwater HASSRA) is run entirely voluntarily not by paid staff.

  • For day to day running of the club there is a Management Committee drawn from HASSRA members within Taunton and Bridgwater offices (Jobcentreplus, The Pension Service and The Child Support Agency who are elected each year at the Taunton and Bridgwater HASSRA AGM.

  • That means events such as a trip to The Brewhouse, trips to Dublin, shopping trips to IKEA, the Bonus Ball Competition, discounts with Tone Leisure or Taunton School Gym is run and organised by staff in their own time.

  • Events can be organised by Committee members or club members with committee support. Anyone can suggest or run an event – time available to do it is usually the deciding factor!