Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Would you like to get fit and save money!!!!

We have got a great deal with

Tone Leisure

(for all HASSRA members and their spouses/partners)

Committed Fitness (unlimited use of all Taunton Deane Gyms, Swimming pools, sauna and steam rooms, aerobics/step/circuit classes)

Normal cost £33.00 per month

Cost for HASSRA members only £25.00 per month!!!


Committed Active (unlimited swimming at Taunton and Wellington pools, all aqua-aerobic classes, parent and baby, aqua-natal and pre-natal classes)

Normal cost £20.00 per month

Cost for HASSRA members only £15.00 per month!!!

Please contact Jenny Norman – for an application pack.

If you are an existing Buzz member but would like to benefit from this deal inform Jenny Norman.

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